Thursday 24 September 2009


The brief I have chose to do for my media coursework is;

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video together with two of the following three options:

* a website homepage for the band
* a cover for its release on DVD
* a magazine advertisement for the DVD

During this task I will use the key concepts LIIAR along with narrative and genre

In music videos the artist is the main person. The artist will be shown in the centre of all camera shots and close ups are used to show the artist. There may be dancers or other performers in the music video however they won't be shown as often as the artist.


A music video is made by the record company of the artist. Music videos are produced to promote the artist and to help with sales of albums.

Music videos are created to show the story of the song. Most of the time the video relates to the song. It also shows the main artist performing which is what fans want to see.

A music video is a way of marketing an artist or their song. It attracts the audience as they feel involved, they like to see the artist performing the track rather than just hearing it. Music channels are very popular nowadays, if people are watching a music channel and see a video they like it may make them become a fan of the performer.

Every song has a story or meaning behind it, this is the narrative of a music video. The action in the music video usually relates to the lyrics in the song, if it didn't the music video wouldn't be as interesting and it would have no meaning.

Music Videos are of all different genres depending on the track.

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